With invoicing customer in Other EU Countries for Goods and Services provided these need to be reported on your Vat Return. This document outlines the steps you need to take in order to accurately report this information

Set the VAT Type on the Customer

  1. Click Customers
  2. Search for your Customer and click View
  3. Click Edit
  4. On this screen you will see VAT Type and Analysis Default
  5. Setting the Customer to Other EU tells Turbo Inventory that it needs to record the Goods\Service status of each line been added to the Sales Invoice.

Setting the Other EU Analysis Default on a Product

  1. Click Stock
  2. Click Products
  3. Search for your Product and click View
  4. Click Edit
  5. In the Pricing section you will see Analysis Default you can now change this to either Goods\Service or None

Generating a Sales Invoice

  1. Click Sales
  2. Click Sales Invoices
  3. Click New Sale
  4. Select your Customer
  5. A new column will be available if your Customer is Other EU called Other EU Analysis
  6. When you add products, this will be a drop down option to allow you to assign the correct Analysis type

If any product isn't correct marked you will get the following warning

Running the VAT Report

  1. Click Analysis
  2. Scroll down and click Vat Summary

If there are any Other EU sales during the selected period they will show up on this report

If you see Other EU Analysis set to None  this means that a customer has had their VAT Type change since the Invoice was posted and this Invoice will need to be manually edited and corrected