Discounts and rebates can be offered to purchasers in a number of ways, for example trade discounts, settlement discounts, volume-based rebates and other rebates.

  1. Add a Supplier Rebate
  2. Add a Product Rebate
  3. Running the Rebate Report

1. Add a Supplier Rebate

  1. Head onto the left-hand Navigation Bar and click Suppliers
  2. Search for the Supplier you want to edit and click Edit
  3. In the textbox called Purchase Rebate %, enter the rebate percentage provided by the Supplier
  4. Click SAVE to record and update the Supplier

2. Add a Product Rebate

  1. Head onto the left-hand Navigation Bar and click Stock
  2. Click Actions and select Purchase Rebates
  3. Search for the supplier using the drop down and click Create Rebate
  4. In the Description, start typing in the Description or Sku of the product and click on it
  5. Enter the Valid From, Valid To and Rebate % and click Create

3. Running the Rebate Report

  1. Head onto the left-hand Navigation Bar and click Analytics
  2. Scroll down and select Rebate Statement from the Supplier section
  3. Enter the From and To dates and select the Supplier and click Refresh