If you’ve placed an order outside of Turbo Inventory you can now “just receive” your inventory in Vend without having to first create a Purchase Order.

Before receiving the stock if must already be in the system, you can also add products from the Sell Screen


  1. From the Sell Screen click Options
  2. Click Receive Stock 
  3. Select the Supplier
  4. Select the location to Delivery the stock to
  5. Enter the Invoice Number if you have it (this can be used later for tracking payments to the Supplier)
  6. You can add products by typing the name or sku in the search field or by scanning the product barcode
  7. Enter the amount of inventory you are receiving each product 
  8. If you haven't received this product before you can scan the barcode into the Scannable Barcode input
  9. Click Recieve


Entering the Scannable Barcode allows you to use to scan the attached barcode in order to sell it from the sell screen in the future