At the core, purchase orders clearly communicate all the details of a purchase. By having every detail clarified, laid out and documented, you avoid potential conflict or confusion in the future

They’re Legal Documentation

If there are ever any disputes over what was ordered, or the agreed upon price, purchase orders serve as legal documentation that can be enforced. Best of all, they protect both parties.

  1. Creating Purchase Order
  2. Booking the Stock In

1. Creating Purchase Order

  1. Head onto the left-hand Navigation Bar and click Purchase Orders
  2. Click Purchases
  3. Click Order Stock
  4. Select your Supplier
  5. Either scan the products with your barcode scanner or use the search facility to find them
  6. Fill out all the required information and click COMPLETE

2. Booking the Stock In

Once you receive the stock following these steps to book in the Purchase Order

  1. Head onto the left-hand Navigation Bar and click Purchase Orders
  2. Find your order under the Inbound (Open) tab
  3. Click Receive
  4. Enter the required information
  5. Once the receipted stock is filled out click COMPLETE